Materialistic kids are easy to spot. Today we'll share 9 ways of identifying materialism in kids and 7 ways parents may be promoting it.
To combat worldliness we'll also share 11 fun parenting discussions with your child, 12 simple non-material rewards, 10 positive self-talk mottos, and 12 easy ways to raise a happier more spiritual child.
First let's find out if your child values materialism over things that matter.
These questions help your kids use their own reasoning to see the hollowness of materialism. Ask, listen, and appreciate their insights. Don't over-talk your point of view. Rather, ask more thoughtful questions.
These ideas are inspired and paraphrased from parts of the Desiderata by Max Ehrmann, a lawyer and poet who died in 1927. Chat about each with your child.
If material things could make your children happy, they wouldn't keep begging for more stuff. They wouldn't feel pride that they have more than others or envy because they have less.
To become contented and satisfied, teach them to value nature, family connections, friendships, and love. These are the true spiritual keys to character and happiness.
When you establish Family Meetings, you'll accomplish what no other activity can do better – create a close-knit loving family. Your family will learn listening and speaking skills, solve family problems, and plan fun events together.
Your most important mission is to build character in your children. Family meetings teach them your values and influence their ideas, feelings and behavior.
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