If your child often blames others for his mistakes, he has a blaming problem. Today you can help him tell the truth and take responsibility for his actions. Keep reading to find out what you can do.
Why are some kids 'Billy the Blamers?' Why do they blast others with, "Look what you did, you stupid kid?" What don't they understand?
They don't know that all people are "mistake makers," including themselves. They think they must be perfect. Mistakes are like a wicked finger pointing to their imperfections. Blamers push that finger away and toward you, siblings, teachers, and others with their excuses.
You'll find solutions later on to help your child tell the truth. Right now, ask yourself, 'Has my child ever used these alibies?'
If you're like most parents, these words are not music to your ears. Sometimes children whine or shout so convincingly that you're not sure what to believe. If you hear these words often, beware. Your child may be developing a dishonesty habit to keep out of trouble. In addition to what your youngster might say, here are 9 actions he might use to dodge guilt.
How many of these behaviors does your child use? If it's hard for him to tell the truth, you can help. Before we get to solutions, it's important to understand errors parents make when dealing with their children who blame.
It's a big blooper to make alibis for a child who blames because it sweeps away any reason for that child to change. A parent's excuses make it alright to accuse others when things aren't going their child's way.
These 3 parenting blunders show signs of weakness. Fighting back isn't wise when your child's distorted thinking and mood are loud and irrational. There are better times and ways to solve the problem and they aren't weak. Next let's note the 6 goals parents want to achieve.
As the parent, you are the model for your child to follow. But that is not enough. If your child is to achieve these goals, you must be his teacher and guide. Here are some blaming answers to practice.
If you make excuses for your child's blaming problem, painful consequences could happen now and in the near and distant future. That goes for your child and whoever he may blame. Break the blaming habit when he is young. Use the 10 parenting tips and keep in mind the 6 goals. If you do, you'll be raising your child with an honorable character. Your home life will be happier too.
While taking your kids to gymnastics, baseball practice, and music lessons, do you ask yourself, "Why are we always on the run?" Do you wish you were having meaningful time with your children?
Create that time with this break-through e-book, Character Building on BackTalk Street. Now you can experience bonding time, use built-in teaching moments, and share your values
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