If you grew up in a dysfunctional family, you don't have to repeat it in your present one. Today I'll describe a troubled family. Then I'll share 7 ways to turn disrespectful behaviors into positive actions.
A dysfunctional family includes members who may frequently fight, misbehave, and disrespect its members. Some signs of distressed families include:
Poor parenting tactics include being – a tyrant, a doormat, inconsistent, over-controlling, shaming, blaming, indifferent, neglectful, too strict, and too permissive.
No family includes all of these behaviors. It's normal to have some. But if you' grew up with a heavy dose of these patterns, you probably grew up in a troubled family.
The key is to realize what was dysfunctional in the past and change it in the present. Clothes from older kids to younger kids are called 'hand-me-downs.' To avoid 'handing down' the painful actions of our parents and their parents to our children is our goal.
If you or your children are occasionally grumpy, forgive and forget. Everybody makes mistake
Teaching a good behavior once in a while doesn't work. Consistent training done respectfully and with follow-through does.
If you practice these behaviors, your child will grow up loving and respecting both you and others
Many people grow up in families with some degree of dysfunction. Rather than pass it on, we can stop it in our own homes. That doesn't mean we won't make mistakes. It does mean we must try to do better by improving our own behavior.
Remember, it takes 18 years to raise children with healthy character traits. That means we take one day at a time to be kind, firm, consistent, and loving with our children. It doesn't have to be hard. And in the end, the rewards of mutual love and respect are huge.
Are phone conversations with your clients almost impossible? Do temper tantrums, whining, and sibling wars get you down?
Parents everywhere experience similar problems. The trick is how to turn misbehaviors into great behaviors. Find out with this Character Building Kit.
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